Venus Fly Trap Not Digesting Its Food

Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants that trap various insects then dissolve them using their natural enzymes. It takes an average of one week for a Venus flytrap to fully digest its food. A Venus flytrap may experience digestive issues for many reasons. Common reasons Venus flytraps have digestive issues are calcium deficiency, an imbalanced diet, … Read more

Do Venus Fly Traps Eat Dead Bugs?

Venus flytraps are beautiful plants that can thrive when cared for well. When you’re growing Venus flytraps indoors, they require a little more attention than if they were to be living outside. You probably already know Venus flytraps require food, but do Venus flytraps eat dead bugs? A Venus flytrap can eat dead bugs, but … Read more

How Often Should You Feed A Venus Fly Trap

A Venus flytrap makes a very visually intriguing plant, but it requires very particular conditions and feedings in order to keep it healthy. When creating a habitat for this unique plant, you’ve probably wondered to yourself; how often should you feed a Venus flytrap? Furthermore, what do you feed one of these peculiar flowers? To … Read more

Are Venus Fly Traps Poisonous To Cats?

A lot of people have taken an interest in carnivorous plants, with the Venus flytrap being one of the most popular varieties. Cat owners always need to be cautious about what types of plants they bring home because felines are naturally curious about plants. Most cat owners have difficulties keeping their furry friends away from … Read more

Do Venus Fly Traps Eat Fruit Flies?

Venus Flytraps are capable of eating fruit flies, but they are not the preferred food of Venus Flytraps. They work by fruit flies landing on their trap, stimulating their trigger hairs, and then closing their traps around their prey. The rest of this article will go over if Venus Flytraps eat fruit flies and how … Read more

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Ants?

When summer arrives, so do the ants. If you have a problem with ants around your property, you may have considered getting a venus fly trap. However, this is only effective if the venus fly trap will eat ants.  On this page, we’re going to discuss if a venus fly trap will eat ants and … Read more

How Long Do Venus Fly Traps Live

Venus flytraps are like something out of a science fiction movie, and they have fascinated many for a long time. If you’re interested in getting one, you might ask, how long does a Venus flytrap live for? The answer is up to 20 years, but it depends on some factors that we will explain below.  … Read more