Soak And Soil Version 2!

Hello Readers! We would like to show you the work in progress as we transition to a Website format rather than purely a blog. The information should be easier to find on the subjects your are looking for and rather than have multiple articles or blog posts on the similar topics, you will be able … Read more

The New Soak And Soil

Hello Soak And Soil Readers! We would like to introduce the planned changes to the Blog conversion to our new website. Of course we are excited about the changes and we hope you are as well. We will be focusing in on “Container Gardening” with a specific highlight to those urban dwellers, and bringing in … Read more

About Us Here At Soak And Soil

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you more about us, the new authors here at Soak And! We are busy in the background preparing the conversion to a full website with a blog. We are transferring many of the original posts, creating new content, and combining some topic in to single … Read more

All The Best For 2024!

Happy New Year!! All the best for 2024 to readers of Soak And Soil! The same for your families and friends. We hope your gardens flourish throughout the coming year! We would like to take this opportunity to share more of our planned updates. The first step is to convert the format from a blog, … Read more

Important News and Happy Holidays!

To all the readers of Soak and Soil, we wish you Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays, and, of course, Merry Christmas! We hope you all will be able to enjoy some relaxing times with your families. We would like to announce that we have just purchased this website from the original owner and creator. We would … Read more

When To Stop Watering Christmas Cactus

Have you ever wondered when you should stop watering a Christmas Cactus to encourage flowering and make sure your plant stays happy and healthy? In general, you should stop watering a Christmas Cactus around October, and just after the plant has flowered. The plant will not need any water for about 6 weeks after it … Read more

Christmas Cactus Turning Red

The Christmas cactus, also known as the Holiday cactus, is a popular houseplant. The plant blooms around Christmas time, hence its name. But one problem that many people have with their Christmas cactus is that the leaves start to turn red.  If your Christmas cactus leaves are turning red, don’t worry! There are a few … Read more