5 Steps To Repotting A Venus Fly Trap (& After Care)

One of the most common myths we hear is that Venus flytraps are difficult to grow. This couldn’t be further from the truth because as long as these plants have the right conditions, they will continue to thrive. One thing that is essential to a potted Venus fly trap’s lifespan is that they get repotted when needed.

If you’re a first-time Venus flytrap owner, then you will need to know when and how to repot your plant. On this page, we’re going to discuss what you need to know, so you are prepared when the plant needs to be repotted. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Should I Repot My Venus Fly Trap?

A potted Venus flytrap will need to be repotted so that it can continue growing healthy. The soil and media used in the plant’s pot get old, which ultimately makes it difficult for the Venus fly trap’s roots to grow. When you repot the Venus flytrap, the new pot will have fresh growing media that will help the plant stay aerated.

Additionally, when you first bring a Venus flytrap home, it should be repotted because it may have been given water with impurities in it. When you repot the new Venus flytrap, you can make sure it is only given pure water in the new pot. This is how you can ensure the plant stays healthy from the moment you bring it home. 

When Should I Repot My Venus Fly Trap?

In order to make sure your Venus flytrap lives a long and healthy life, you will need to make repotting an annual thing. A Venus flytrap needs to be repotted into fresh growing media once a year. While the Venus flytrap can be repotted almost any time throughout the year, it’s best to do it in the spring or early summer (April through June).

It is recommended to repot the Venus flytrap during this period because it is coming out of winter dormancy and will need the nutrients from the new media. When you repot the Venus flytrap, it should resume its growth after a few days in the new pot. It’s normal not to see any activity from your plant within its first few days after being repotted.

While it’s typically safe to repot the plant at any point throughout the year, there are certain times you will need to avoid it. Never repot a Venus flytrap while it’s in the stage of flowering. Repotting the plant while it’s active could harm its growth. 

What Kind Of Soil Does Venus Fly Trap Need When Repotting?

One of the reasons there is a myth that growing Venus flytraps are difficult is because these plants are incredibly picky about their growing media. If you choose the wrong soil, your plant won’t have a long lifespan. This is because the fastest way to kill a Venus flytrap is by using potting soil or any growing media that is nutrient-enhanced. 

A Venus flytrap will grow best when it’s placed in nutrient-poor growing media that is also acidic. Check your local garden center to see if they carry Venus flytrap soil or carnivorous plant soil. If you don’t have luck finding one, you may have to mix it yourself. 

To make a homemade potting soil for the Venus flytrap, you will need to use equal parts of unenriched peat moss and perlite (those white specs you see in potting soil). These two mediums create an excellent growing media for Venus flytraps because the peat moss provides acidity while the perlite holds moisture. 

How To Select The Right Pot For Repotting Venus Fly Trap

Before we get into what type of pot you need for the Venus flytrap when repotting it, we should discuss the rhizomes. These are small white bulbs that you’ll notice on the Venus fly trap’s roots, and those are the rhizomes that are responsible for storing energy. It’s important that the pot used to repot the plant leaves enough room for the rhizomes.

A fully mature Venus flytrap may not seem like a very big plant, but the roots can grow very deep. When you choose a new pot for the Venus flytrap, it’s important that it is at least 4 inches deep, so there is enough room for the roots.

The pot should also be wide enough, so there is at least 2 inches of room for soil between the pot and the rhizomes. The extra room around the edge will also allow for more soil to insulate the plant. If you keep your plant indoors all year round, this won’t be much of a concern.

However, if you keep it outdoors when it’s active, insulation is something you will need to be concerned about. As far as material goes, a Venus flytrap grows best when it’s in a plastic pot. Always ensure that the pot has holes at the bottom for drainage.

How To Repot A Venus Fly Trap

Repotting a Venus flytrap is very simple. Once you have the right pot and appropriate growing material, you just need to follow a few easy steps to repot the Venus flytrap. 

Get the Pot & Soil Ready

First, you will need to get all of your supplies ready. If you are making your own DIY Venus flytrap potting mix, then you will need to measure out the peat moss and perlite to prepare it for the pot. The ideal ratio is 1:1, based on the size of your pot. 

Place the Venus flytrap potting mix in the new pot and then sprinkle it with pure water. (Tip: collected rainwater is the best type of water or mineral-free water) When dampening the soil, it is ideal to gently water it. Avoid overwatering the soil, as it will make it too difficult to repot the plant.

Make a Hole

In order to insert the Venus flytrap into the new pot, you will need to create an opening in the soil. This is really easy to do, and you can create the hole with your fingers. Simply use your finger to dig a hole in the center of the pot that is deep and wide enough to fit the Venus fly trap’s root system. 

Remove the Venus Fly Trap

For this next step, you will need to be very careful. You need to remove the Venus flytrap from its current pot by carefully shaking it out. Make sure you don’t touch any of the plant’s traps during this process, as this will waste the plant’s energy. You should also gently handle the balls on the roots to make sure they don’t get damaged during the process.

Examine the plant’s roots to make sure there aren’t clumps of old potting medium leftover on it. Make sure you gently remove any old soil, so it doesn’t affect the plant’s growth in the new pot. If you have several Venus fly traps planted together, you should remove them individually to repot.

Place the Venus Fly Trap in the New Pot

Now for the fun part. It’s time to place your Venus flytrap into its new pot. Carefully place it into the hole you have dug in the center of the new pot. Once you have the plant in place, you will need to gently pat the soil in place around the plant.

This will ensure the plant is snug in the soil and doesn’t come out of place if you move the pot. 

After Repotting the Venus Fly Trap

There is one last step involved in repotting a Venus flytrap. Once it is in place in the new pot, you will need to thoroughly water the plant. Make sure you give the plant enough water, so you see it flowing out the drain holes at the bottom of the pot. 

This is the last step involved with repotting your plant. If all the instructions we followed correctly, your plant won’t require extra maintenance. Keep in mind that it’s completely normal if your plant appears inactive for a few days to a couple of weeks after repotting. 

Other Caring Tips After Repotting Venus Flytraps

One of the great things about taking care of a Venus flytrap is that this plant is very low maintenance. Repotting it is very easy as long as you have the right materials. If this is your first time tending to a Venus flytrap, it doesn’t hurt to be as prepared as possible. 

If you want your Venus flytrap to live a long and healthy lifespan, you will need to know how to take care of it properly. Below are some of our top tips for caring for repotted Venus flytraps.

Know When to Repot the Venus Fly Trap

Ideally, a Venus flytrap should be repotted every 6 to 12 months. This isn’t an occasion that you will mark on the calendars. Instead, you should pay attention to the condition of the soil the plant is currently in. There will be signs of when it’s time to repot the plant. 

A Venus flytrap needs clean soil in order to thrive. When the soil starts to appear old, it will soon no longer be a good environment for the plant to stay in. Look for signs of accumulated minerals, weeds, and carpet moss in the pot. When you see these things, it’s time to repot the plant.

Place the Potted Venus Fly Trap in the Right Lighting

A potted Venus flytrap does best when it’s placed in indirect lighting. While a brightly lit room is ideal, you will also want to make sure the plant isn’t directly in the bright light. This is especially important to remember during summer when the light is warmer. If the leaves of the Venus flytrap get too hot, they can dry out and become crispy.

If the natural lighting in your home is poor, you may need to rely on fluorescent lights. Make sure you keep the Venus flytrap at least 7 inches away from the fluorescent lights. 

When to Water a Potted Venus Fly Trap

Staying on top of a Venus fly trap’s water schedule is important for keeping it healthy. However, its watering schedule will highly depend on the season. You will need to give the plant water every 2 to 4 days during the warmer months. It is essential to water them when the soil feels slightly moist so it doesn’t completely dry out. 

During the winter, the Venus flytrap will go dormant. This is completely normal for the plant, and it will not require nearly as much water as it does when the plant is active. However, you should still pay attention to its soil to prevent it from becoming too dry.

Maintain a Steady Temperature

Another important thing to consider when caring for a repotted Venus flytrap is the temperature. This usually isn’t something that people have to worry about with indoor plants because the temperature is usually controlled. These plants do best when they are in the average indoor temperature range, which is between 68 and 76 F (20 to 24 C).

However, during the months of November through February, the plant will be dormant and require cooler temperatures. Try to keep a dormant Venus flytrap in a room that is 35 to 50 F (2 to 10 C). Many people will store their dormant plants in a garage, shed, or sunroom. Always avoid freezing temperatures. 

Tend to the Plant

Your Venus flytrap will need minimal care. You may notice old leaves turn black, so it’s important to remove these, so they don’t affect the plant’s health. It is very common for new leaves and a flower to appear during spring. If you want to increase the size and strength of the plant’s traps, you should remove this flower.

Feed Your Potted Venus Fly Trap

One of the great things about caring for a Venus flytrap is that you won’t have to worry about supplying it with fertilizer. The insects that the plant eats will be sufficient enough. While outdoor Venus flytraps can attract insects on their own to eat, potted plants indoors may need help. 

Venus flytraps don’t require food too frequently. Eating one insect every week or two is enough to keep the plant growing at a healthy rate. The plant can even go a lot longer than that without eating; however, it will slow the growth rate down.

For indoor Venus flytraps, you will likely have to catch the insect for them, as most homes don’t have insects roaming around freely for the plant to catch on its own. Never give your plant piece of raw meats. The best choices of food sources to give them are live insects or arachnids, such as flies and spiders. 

Place Potted Venus Fly Traps Outdoors in Summer

A great way to keep your Venus flytrap thriving is to place the potted plant outdoors for the summer season. It will make a beautiful addition to any summer patio. Ideally, the plant should be placed in an area with partial shade, so it avoids direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day.

Since the Venus flytrap originates in areas with hot summers, it can do very well in the heat. These plants are often found growing in areas where the summer temperatures are as high as 90 F (32 C).

Know How To Tend a Potted Venus Fly Trap in Winter

It’s normal for a Venus flytrap to go into a dormant phase for 4 months in the winter season. You will notice its leaves turn a brownish color during this time, and the traps will no longer be active. While it may appear that your plant has died, this is completely normal, and the plant should be left as is. Disturbing it could interrupt its life cycle. 

During winter, your biggest concern is to prevent your potted plant from experiencing frost burn. You will also need to avoid keeping the plant warm during this period. One of the safest ways to store your dormant Venus flytrap from November through February is in the garage covered by a tarp. Additionally, you can also cover it with black plastic material.


An important part of caring for a Venus flytrap is to repot it every year. This will ensure that your plant is in a healthy growing medium that will encourage its growth. While the Venus flytrap may appear to be a small plant, it actually has a big root system. Keeping the root system healthy is important for keeping the plant alive.

Repotting the Venus flytrap is easy. However, you will need to make sure you have the right size pot and proper materials for potting mix.

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