How Much Light Do Peace Lilies Need?

A peace lilies lighting requirements can often be confusing. It seems like if you keep them in the sun for too long, they start to die, and if you don’t give them enough light, they seem to get sick too! So finding the perfect balance can be confusing.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry anymore. In this article, you’ll find out exactly how much light your peace lily needs, as well as signs they’re getting too much or too little.

So keep reading to have all your questions answered!

How Much Lights Do Peace Lilies Need?

Fortunately, peace lilies don’t require an abundance of light to survive. In fact, indirect sunlight throughout the day will be adequate for your peace lily to grow and thrive. Just make sure that the light isn’t too low; otherwise, your peace lily may end up becoming leggy and won’t bloom.

How Much Light Do Variegated Peace Lilies Need?

Due to the fact variegated lilies don’t have as much chlorophyll, they’re going to need moderate to bright light conditions, which is a lot more compared to their normal counterparts. If you have a variegated peace lily, make sure you’re keeping it in bright indirect sunlight throughout the day.

How Many Hours Of Light Do Peace Lilies Need A Day?

If your peace lily has access to sunlight, then the from sun up to sun down is going to be enough light for them. However, if you’re peace lily only has access to light indoors, or during the winter months, they’ll need about 16-18 hours of fluorescent light a day!

What Is The Best Light For Peace Lilies?

The best light for peace lilies is bright, indirect sunlight. If the light is too bright, it will scorch your peace lily, but if it’s not bright enough, it won’t grow properly.

Direct Vs Indirect Sunlight

One of the most common mistakes new plant owners make is keeping their peace lily in direct sunlight. This is the worst thing you can do. You should try to imitate a peace lilies natural environment as best you can, so shaded areas that get indirect sunlight are always the best choice for them!

Summer Vs Winter Light

Another thing to remember is that light intensity will be different during the winter and summer months. During the summer months, not only will light last longer, but it will also be more intense. And, of course, the opposite is true for winter.

So don’t expect to see as much growth during the winter months, and make sure you’re protecting your peace lilies from the sun during the summer months too!

White Spathiphyllum flower isolated on a black background

So What Happens If Your Peace Lily Doesn’t Get Enough Light?

If your peace lily isn’t getting enough light. The main thing that’s going to happen is that your peace lily will not be growing in the right light.

Some more specific symptoms you may notice are as follows:

Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves can be a sign of many problems. As well as not enough light, they could be caused by too much light, overwatering, underwatering, and water quality. However, when noticed in conjunction with other signs. You can be almost certain yellow leaves are caused by not enough light.

They’ll Be Leggy

Your peace lily will also strive to grow towards the light; however, because they won’t be photosynthesizing enough, this growth will be leggy, and your peace lilies will end up looking lanky and thin instead of nice and thick.

Smaller Leaves

Without the necessary stimulation to grow from a lack of light, your peace lily won’t waste nutrients on leaves that won’t get enough light anyway. Because of this, they’re not going to grow as big, and your peace lily will end up with small leaves.

Dull Foliage

And lastly, as it becomes weaker and fails to photosynthesize, you’ll notice that overall your peace lily just looks a lot duller, especially its foliage.

What Happens When Your Peace Lily Gets Too Much Light?

On the other end of the spectrum (no pun intended), having too much light is also going to be a problem for peace lilies, and in fact, it can be just as damaging. So if you’re not sure whether your peace lily is getting too much light or not, here are the symptoms to look for.

Browning Leaves

One common sign that your peace lily has received too much light is that its leaves have started to turn brown. In fact, this is pretty much sunburn showing in your peace lily.

However, remember, leaves being brown isn’t just caused by too much light. It can be caused by a whole range of things, including underwatering, overwatering, too much nutrients, and too much heat as well!

Leaves Will Be Cripsy

As well as the leaves being brown, another common sign that your peace lily is receiving too much light is that the leaves are turning crispy. This is because there isn’t enough moisture in them anymore, so they’re just becoming too dry.

The Soil Is Dry

As well as leaves drying out, the soil housing your peace lily will dry out when there’s too much light. To find out if the soil is dry or not, poke your finger into it. If you notice it’s dry at the first knuckle, it means it’s too dry.

Droopy Leaves

Lastly, when the leaves aren’t able to get enough water, they’re also going to begin to droop as well. You’ll know for sure whether they’re getting too much light or not when the leaves are also crispy as well.

How To Make Sure You’re Peace Lily Is Getting Enough Light

Whether your peace lily is getting too much light or not enough light, the solution is the same. You’re going to need to move them to an area where the lighting is perfect for them. Fortunately, there’s an easy way you can know if it is or isn’t!

All you have to do is find the area where you want to place your peace lily and put your hand up in front of the light. If you notice that your shadow is really dark, then the light is going to be too bright for them. And if you notice that your shadow is barely visible, then the light isn’t strong enough.

Once you find a happy medium between the two, you’ve found the perfect area to place your peace lily!

Also, in the case where leaves have become damaged, it’s best practice to prune them. This way, the energy your peace lily has can be used growing new healthier foliage.


Here are a few commonly asked questions people have about peace lilies!

Can Peace Lilies Survive In The Dark?

Peace lilies can survive well in shade and low-lit areas. Of course, complete dark would not be good for them, and they would end up dying. But if there’s an area in your home that has some sort of light, you can put your peace lily there.

If they don’t thrive well, you can always place them somewhere else afterward.

Can Peace Lilies Survive Low Light?

Not only can peace lilies survive low light, there one of the top choices to put in a low light area. However, while they’ll need indirect sunlight to grow, low-light areas can still be a good spot; you’ll just have to be more patient with them.

Can A Peace Lily Get Too Much Light?

Yes, absolutely! It’s not just the intensity of the light that matters, but if your peace lily is getting too much light during the day, it may result in brown leaves, drying out, and crispy foliage.

Can Peace Lilies Survive Without Sunlight

Your peace lily can survive without sunlight, but you’ll need to offer an alternative source of light. Fluorescent bulbs are the go-to choice, and if you give your peace lily between 16-18 hours of light a day with these, they should grow fine!


As you can see, the light conditions for your peace lily are very important. Too much light, and they’re going to start to wither and burn, not enough light, and they won’t grow at nearly the rate they should.

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