How To Grow Alfalfa Microgreens (FAQ, Benefits, Equipment Needed)

Before growing your own microgreens, you should have a clear understanding of them. Microgreens are leafy, green vegetables that vary from 1 to 3 inches in height and are primarily used in salads. They contain various nutritional elements including potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and copper. Most importantly they are easy to get hold of.

You can benefit from their nutritional value by consuming them when they are fresh, soon after their harvest. The microgreens are also useful because they can be preserved and used at a later date. Therefore, let’s explain the most important factor on how to grow them!

If you are considering growing alfalfa microgreens you should remember that they are easy to grow, they don’t require much attention and above all they don’t cost a fortune! Microgreens are tiny vegetables but their nutritional value is amazing!

When comparing alfalfa microgreens to other microgreens they are the best option. For example, sprouts are a healthy alternative but alfalfa microgreens have an even higher nutritional value than them!

You may have grown many other microgreens, but alfalfa microgreens are the best of all. Microgreens will benefit your health at the same time as you being self-sufficient. Microgreens can be grown throughout the year, outside or indoor, being as convenient as possible.

Equipment Needed to Grow Alfalfa Microgreens

Growing alfalfa microgreens is not a difficult task. Below is a list of things you will need to start growing your alfalfa microgreens.

A Growing Medium

First of all, a medium is required to grow your microgreens. You can use a traditional seed tray which you can get from your local garden centre or you can use a baking dish just ensure it’s at least 5 inches deep. 

Organic Seeds

Make sure you use organic and untreated seeds. Fungicides or pesticide seeds can be very harmful to your health as they contain many dangerous chemicals.


To keep your alfalfa microgreens organic and free of chemicals, you must use soil that is not contaminated with any kind of fungicide or pesticide. Your garden soil can serve the purpose, but it would be best if you used planting soil.

Light Source

In order for plants to grow they need light. Microgreens require 3 to 4 hours of daily exposure to sunlight for successful growth. A bright balcony or a windowsill that gets a sufficient amount of natural sunlight will be the best location for your microgreens to grow.

A Spray Bottle

A spray bottle filled with water will be needed to keep your alfalfa microgreens hydrated.


Water is another essential factor needed to maintain the moisture in the soil. As mentioned above, a spray bottle would be the best choice. A harsh water flow can damage your baby plants, so fresh tap-water is the best option.

How to Grow Alfalfa Microgreens in Soil?

Below are ten valuable instructions for Microgreen growers to keep in mind while growing Alfalfa Microgreens. Your home-grown microgreens will be fresh, delicious and, nutritious.

Step 1: Quantity of Soil in The Container

Firstly, choose an appropriate container, tray, or pot in which you intend to grow your Alfalfa Microgreens, then fill it with 3-4 inches of soil. This quantity of soil is enough for the roots of the microgreens as they are only small.

Step 2: Sowing Seeds

After filling the container with soil, you sow the seed. You just need to sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the soil, an uneven sprinkling works just fine. The soil just needs to catch and absorb the seed, and it will do the rest of the job itself.

Step 3: Covering the Seeds with Soil

A thin layer of soil is enough to cover the seed you have sprinkled on the soil in the container. A gentle stroke on the soil with the palm of your hand is good enough to settle the seeds in the soil.

Step 4: Watering the Soil

The soil needs good moisture but be careful to avoid excessive watering. The water should not overflow from the container. Sprinkling water is enough. It does not need heavy pouring pressure.

Step 5: Temperature

For the growth of microgreens to be successful they need to be kept at a moderate temperature. The temperature should be no less than room temperature until the process of germination starts. Once the germination process has begun, it is better to keep the microgreens in the sun where they can get the necessary amount of sunlight of 3-4 hours a day.

Step 6: Watering Microgreens After 3-4 Days

A regular sprinkling of water twice a day is required for the successful growth of the alfalfa microgreens. You will notice small leaves appearing on the surface of the soil, as well as tiny buds within 3 to 4 days.

Step 7: Be Patient

You will need to wait a week for your microgreens to grown. Once it has been a week you will see the container full of alfalfa microgreens plants. Now, you can either cut them right away or wait a few more days to let them grow taller.

Step 8: Avoid Jumping into Harvesting

Your hasty cutting of microgreens can destroy them. The delicate microgreens need to be harvested carefully. You can cut them with a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. Ensure you hold them at the roots when you cut them. Another way of harvesting your microgreens is to pluck them out with the roots intact carefully although this could damage them if not completed with care.

Step 9: Washing Microgreens

If you have reached this step your microgreen growing process is complete. Now, you can wash them with clean and cold water thoroughly. You should leave them out for them to dry. To store them you can wrap them up in some kitchen paper and preserve them in the fridge.

Step 10:  Alfalfa Microgreens are Ready to be Enjoyed

The whole process from sowing to harvesting microgreens is straightforward and pleasing. This makes the homegrown vegetables enjoyable, nutritious and healthy.

How to Grow Alfalfa Microgreens on Grow Mats?

Grow mats are useful for growing all types of plants. Microgreens are proven to be best grown on grow mats. If you are wanting to know about using a grow mat to grow your alfalfa microgreens continue reading! 

Following is a detailed description of how to grow Alfalfa Microgreens on the Grow mat:

Step 1: Grow Mat Tray Details

A standard growing mat measures 19″ x 9″. It fits in a 20″ x” 10 a grow tray perfectly. However, it can be adjusted to your requirement by cutting the matt carefully with scissors.

Step 2: Filling the Grow Mat

Firstly, pour water over the grow mat and ensure it floats. It may take time to settle fully so be patient. The mat will become darker in colour when it gets saturated. You will not need to use any nutrients or rooting solutions.

Step 3: Spread the Seeds Proportionately on the Mat

This step does not have to be perfect but you need to aim to cover the mat in seeds. The closer together the seeds are, the better. Also, remember not to cover your seeds as it will prevent the sunlight from reaching in. The more exposed to sunlight the better it is.

Step 4: Watering the Seeds

Seeds need a lot of humidity to ensure their growth is successful—watering seeds by misting or spraying thoroughly once a day can fulfil this requirement. Grow mats have enough capacity to absorb water, and the air movement around the seeds promotes root growth as well as protecting them from diseases. Something that you should be careful about is that your grow mats do not float in water!

Step 5: Keep Observing the Microgreens Growing Process

You will need to observe the white fibres that might grow from the roots. Fibres growing from the seed itself is mould. But mould itself is not a problem if quick action is taken to resolve it.

To avoid the mould growing you will need to increase the air circulation, you can do this by moving the grow tray to an airy spot or using a fan. Remember the mat should be moist and it should not float in water.

Once the seeds have developed buds, they must have access to a lot of light. Move the tray to the sunny window or under a grow light. If you see tiny green tips appearing it will because the plants have not had enough light so they will grow tall, leggy, and floppy. If this happens your plants cannot be recovered.

Step 6: It’s Time to Harvest

After 8 to 15 days pass, you’ll notice that your plants have grown 2-3 leaves. This is the perfect time to harvest because you’ll get the best-flavoured microgreens. If you wait too long the taste of microgreens can become bitter.

As the seedlings mature, the grow mats provide a clean even balance of air and water at the roots. It makes the roots healthy which means strong plants that will be delicious and filled with nutrition.

You will now need to harvest and as mentioned earlier, there are two ways to harvest the microgreens. You can either cut them carefully with scissors or pull them out with the crispy roots intact.

Step 7: Storing Microgreens

Obviously, there is no substitute for the fresh taste of microgreens consumed directly from the grower trays. However, microgreens can retain their delicious and crispy flavour for more than a week when they are stored with proper care. It is not hard to do. You just put them in the fridge and keep them dry.

How to Grow Alfalfa Microgreens on Wood Shavings?

Wood shavings are an economical and less costly option for growing alfalfa microgreens in comparison to a growing mat and soil. It might be a little messier, but it is a more affordable method.   

You can purchase fine-sized wood shavings from a wood store or buy shavings specially meant for microgreens. This is the best substitute for growing mats and soil.

Step 1: Get a Tray for Growing Alfalfa Seeds

Firstly, try and get a tray that has no drainage holes at all. If you cannot find a tray you can use a container or plant pot. If using a container or pot ensure that it is clean and cover any holes.

Step 2: Fill it up with Shavings

Secondly fill the container, tray, or pot with wood shavings and fill it up similarly to the soil, leaving around one inch from the trays outer edge.

Step 3: Sowing the Seeds

After having filled the container with the shavings, spread the seeds equally over the whole tray. It does not have to be perfect but fill as many seeds as you can.

Step 4: Be Patient

It is just like the process for growing the alfalfa microgreens in the soil, the microgreens do not need to be completely covered. Remember alfalfa microgreens need reasonably good light for their growth.

Considering this, it is best if they are placed adjacent to a windowsill. The other option is to apply a grow light if a location near the windowsill is unavailable.

Step 5: The Exact Reaping Time

The appearance of the first leaf indicates it’s time to harvest your alfalfa microgreens. This process takes place around 14 days on average of planting the seeds.

How to Grow Alfalfa Microgreens on Growing Paper?

There are some other alternative options to grow alfalfa microgreens, such as, growing on paper, paper towels, and filter papers. This method is a relatively clean way to care for your crops. As well as this, it is free of deadly plant diseases like pathogens. It also helps control the moisture levels.

Mentioned below are the essential steps to be kept in mind for growing microgreens on growing papers:

Step 1: Preparing Paper

A specific paper is required to grow microgreens. It is easily available and you can purchase it online. Even a simple towel paper or filter paper can serve the purpose. It all depends upon your personal preference. To prepare the paper, you will need to shape it according to the tray.

Step 2: Making A Tray

Put the correctly shaped paper in the tray and place it into the bottom of the tray.

Step 3: Watering the Paper

Next, you will need to soak the paper in water for 1-2 hours.

Step 4: Putting Seeds on the Paper

Make sure that the paper is prepared appropriately before putting the seeds on it. Spread your seeds all over the paper. The paper does not need to be covered as it needs proper light to grow your alfalfa microgreen.

Step 5: Keep Watching Your Alfalfa Seeds

Maintaining a suitable moisture level on the paper is very easy. Keep observing the moisture level and continue giving water so that it does not become dry. Sprinkle water on it softly and ensure it is kept in the light.

Therefore, put the tray under the windowsill. If this is not possible you can use a grow light as a substitute. Now, wait 14 days for your crops to grow.

Step 6: Time to Harvest

After 14 days, you will see the first bud to appear. This appearance of the bud is the indication for you to harvest your microgreens. Now, you can remove them gently from the papers.

How Can You Speed Up the Growth?

You can increase the speed of growing microgreens by using heat mats correctly. The heat mats will increase the temperature of the soil up to 10 degrees warmer than the room temperature, which will result in a quicker growth rate.

Another option is to use vermiculite. It is known for its effective results in speeding up the growth of plants. It does this by maintaining a good amount of moisture in your seeds that result in quicker germination.

What are the Benefits of Eating Alfalfa Microgreens?


Nowadays, clinical procedures are popular to maintain youthful looks. Alfalfa microgreens are a natural alternative to help sustain youthfulness.

This is because alfalfa microgreens boost your metabolism and make your cells healthy. As well as this, they help replace the old enzymes that are not functioning as efficiently as new ones can do.

Glowing Skin

Who in this world doesn’t want beautiful glowing skin? Of course, everyone does. You can achieve this by incorporating alfalfa microgreens into your daily diet. They contain multiple essential vitamins, including Vitamin A, C, and K.

Prevention Against Diseases

Alfalfa microgreens have been recognised to help prevent many chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular problems as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Prevents Diabetes

Microgreens can prevent diabetes by keeping the blood glucose levels balanced which also helps you avoid becoming overweight.

What Pests/Diseases can Damage Microgreens and how to Stop Them?

Below are some essential points to have in mind to keep your microgreens healthy and save them from deadly diseases.


Botrytis is a type of fungus that causes a grey mould on the leaves which damages them. Cold and wet conditions are the factors behind this.

If you notice this happening, remove the affected spot immediately to save the remaining part of the plant. Do not water your microgreens at night. You can water on the side of the tray instead of sprinkling directly on the plant. You should ensure there is a good circulation of fresh air as it will prevent fungi from growing.

Root Rots

Pathogens are the causes of root deterioration on seeding. If you come to notice root deterioration, you must pull out the infected plant and make sure that the soil has got good drainage.


Damping-off is a common problem when starting. It looks healthful, but soon it droops and eventually dies. The fungus is the reason that grows vigorously in moisture. It means that the soil is excessively wet, therefore water less often.

Malnutrition Microgreens

If yellow foliage occurs, it means your microgreens have not had proper light. It can also come from an issue of overcrowding and not enough nutrients.

To solve this issue, you need to move the tray to a better place to get enough light and air. You can add a suitable amount of fertilizer as nutrients, and always stay alert about the pests. 


Sclerotinia is also known as white mould. It is a spider-like fungus that grows on the surface of the medium. It climbs on the plants and infects them causing them to die. To avoid this you need to decrease the amount of humidity around the plant. Good air circulation is required for the growth of the plant and avoid piling up seeds in the spreading process.


 Aphids remain hidden beneath the leaves and the disease spreads. They are different colors such as green, black, peach, and red. Aphids leave residues of the plants, which attracts ants.

The solution is that you must look for natural resistance for beetles and wasps that live on Aphids. Otherwise, you can spray strong insecticides.

Fear of Your Crops Being Eaten Up

If you grow your microgreens outdoors, you may face the problem of deer who might eat your crop. You will have to barricade your crops to protect them from wildlife entering the area in which you are growing your microgreens.

Beware of The Flea Beetles

Flea Beetles eat up foliage. Saving your crops from flea Beetles is possible through the rotation of the crops with other plants. Otherwise, you could use a floating row to protect the plants from damage.

Danger of Slugs

Slugs create holes in the foliage of plants by eating them. They usually do this at night and appear when the weather is wet.

Slugs can be picked off at night. You could attract them to traps by making holes in the ground and putting a cup or bowl in the holes and fill them with beer.

Rabbit Attacks

To some extent, Rabbits are also a threat to your crops. But their attack is less intense in comparison with Deer, who are extremely violent in their attack on the crops. The solution is to use repellents to try and save your crops or grow them indoors.


Alfalfa Microgreens Vs. Alfalfa Sprouts (Which Is Better?)

Microgreens are better because they are higher in nutritional values and have been proved to suit most people.

How Much Light do Alfalfa Microgreens Need?

3 to 4 hours of light per day is sufficient for the growth of Alfalfa Microgreens.

What Temperature Do Alfalfa Microgreens Need?

They need 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Long do Alfalfa Microgreens Take to Grow?

Alfalfa Microgreens need 8 to 15 days to grow.

Do Alfalfa Microgreens Regrow After Harvest?

Yes, alfalfa microgreens can regrow after the harvest. It takes up to 40 days for that to happen.

How Should you Harvest Alfalfa Microgreens?

You can harvest them by cutting them or carefully pulling them while the roots are intact. Both the methods are proved practicable.

How Should you Store Alfalfa Microgreens?

To store your alfalfa microgreens, wrap them in some kitchen towel put them in a food zip lock bag or a container, just make sure it is cold.

Why Are My Microgreens Falling Over?

Microgreens will fall over if their growing conditions are not favourable for them, such as high temperature, low humidity, not enough light, or lack of nutrients in the soil,

How to Use Alfalfa Microgreens

There is versatility in using microgreens. They can be used in different ways. You can use them in sandwiches, salads, on tacos, pizzas, and soups. They can also be cooked in a stir fry.

How Do You Prevent Damping Off?

LED grow lights are recommended to prevent the damping-off. Sufficient light will make the new plants grow vigorously, building quick resistance to disease.

Why is Air Movement Important?

Good airflow is highly essential for growing healthy microgreens. Low airflow leads to mould, pests, and root issues.


Alfalfa microgreens are marvellous vegetable greens with beneficial effects on life. In this article, alfalfa microgreens have been described in detail, including all the possible ways to grow them and the health benefits.  

The most significant aspect of the article is that it tells you how to bring microgreens into daily life. This article urges the readers that instead of purchasing microgreens you are better off growing your own, indoor or outdoor.

All the methods of growing microgreens have been made relatively easy to follow. It offers various options and methods of growing alfalfa microgreens for everyone who wants to try and grow microgreens.

Pick and choose the method you want to try for growing alfalfa microgreens and enjoy their nutritious effects on your health all homegrown!

One of the main benefits is getting nutrition through alfalfa microgreens and secondly adopting horticulture as a hobby.


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