How To Grow Buckwheat Microgreens (+Benefits, FAQs & Pests)

Buckwheat Microgreens are edible vegetable greens containing a variety of healthful nutrients like adequate amounts of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, copper, and potassium—all of these are highly beneficial nutrients. So, it is important to know how to grow Buckwheat Microgreens on your own.

This article is all about telling you how such a magnificent plant can be grown on your own. The fact is that Buckwheat Microgreen is a relatively easy plant to grow. It is easiest for those who are regular growers of various plants and easy even for those who have the least experience of growing plants. You can grow it on a small scale as well as on a large scale.

It can be more convincing for you to make up your mind to grow Buckwheat Microgreens if you take a birds-eye view of the benefits of this highly beneficial plant. Getting to know how to start growing Buckwheat Microgeeen will encourage you to go ahead.

One thing commonly misunderstood needs to be clarified that Buckwheat Microgreens should not be confused with buckwheat sprouts. Buckwheat microgreens and buckwheat sprouts are not the same things. The difference needs to be kept in view. We need Soil to grow Microgreens, whereas sprouts germinate in water.

Buckwheat microgreens is a crop that is usually harvested within 14 days of their planting. It is one of the most incredible benefits of Buckwheat Microgreens that you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of what you have sowed in the shortest possible time.

Equipment Needed to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens

Untreated Microgreens Seeds

Always lookout for some organic and chemically untreated microgreen seeds. Only organic and chemical-free microgreens seeds can yield organic microgreens. And of course, who wants to take in harmful chemicals?

So, it is advised to go for certified organic microgreen seeds. For those who are regular growers of microgreens, buying microgreen seeds in bulk would save them a lot of money. But for those who are trying it for the first time should buy a small amount only.

Water Source

An essential element to growing your microgreens healthy is an adequate water supply. Now you might be wondering how to water your microgreens in a way that they receive a proper amount of water without causing any damage to them.

We recommend you use a spray bottle to do that. It’s because it is very gentle on the baby plants. Whereas some say it is better to use a can. So, no matter which method you use, keep one important thing in mind that never be harsh on your plants.

Tray/Pot/Baking Dish

You don’t have to stay confined to any rule for growing your microgreens. Whatever you grow your microgreens in, just make sure that they are 4 to 5 inches deep, be it a conventional seed tray that you can find in your nearest hardware store or nursery, a pot, or even your baking dish.

A Growing Medium

Different growers use different growing mediums, as per their convenience. There are many options you can opt for. For example, a potting soil, a grow mat, wood shavings, or a growing paper. All of these are discussed in detail below, so keep reading!

Light Source

Light is yet another vital thing needed for growing healthy buckwheat microgreens. Although nothing can substitute the natural Sunlight if you have shady balconies or you are an indoor grower, you can use LED Grow Lights as an effective replacement for Sunlight. An exposure of 4 to 7 hours to Sunlight daily is sufficient for the healthy growth of your microgreens.

How Can You Speed Up the Growth?

There are two effective ways to speed up your Buckwheat Microgreens’ growth, first, by putting heat mats under them. The heat mats increase the germination rate that eventually results in speedy growth.

The second method to increase the speed of microgreen’s growth is using Vermiculite. For those who don’t know what Vermiculite is, it is a commonly used gardening product made up of silicate. It is famous for its water and nutrition holding abilities of the Soil. It helps speed up the growth of microgreens and proves very helpful in the seed starting process.

How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens in Soil?

Following are the tips and steps you may get guidance from by understanding and carefully keeping them in mind.

Step 1: Soaking the Seeds

The step is to dip the seed of Buckwheat Microgreens in water for nearly about 24 hours. After having thoroughly soaked, you will have to wash the seed with clean water to remove dirt and impurity, if there is any.

Step 2: Quantity of Seeds

The number of seeds you intend to sow will be determined by the size of your container in which you want to sow the seeds—approximately 10 ounces of the seeds for a tray.

Step 3: Covering the Microgreens

Soil is the most conducive medium for cultivating Buckwheat Microgreens seed to get the best result. Cover the tray, preferably with a blackout lid or anything like that, if a blackout lid is not available.

The type of this covering works well for about 3 to 4 days. You will see some signs of development of the plant in the Soil, if you are vigilant, just after two days of sowing of the seed.

Step 4: Damping the Soil

Keep the Soil wet during this period is highly useful, but mind you, just damping is needed making it soggy is not desired.

Step 5: Expose Them to Sunlight

The leaves at the time of their appearance will be yellow, but they will soon turn green as they are exposed to the sun’s rays.  In this way, you will find your crop ready to reap within 6-12 days.

Step 6: Harvest and Clean

After harvesting the crop of Buckwheat Microgreens, you need to wash the plants carefully. You will have to be very soft in handling the process of washing.

Any carelessness can spoil the desired result. By a little stirring or beating, you can sift the seeds in a colander. It is observed that the colder water is better for Buckwheat Microgreens.

How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens with a Grow Mat?

A Growing Mat is an appropriate and one the most accessible choices of growing Bhuckweat Microgreen. Particularly, it becomes more comfortable if you are an indoor grower. If you want to get rid of the messy soil process.

What you need to be aware of is selecting the proper place to put it. The experiment reveals that the best spot for placing the tray adjacent to the windowsill. It will provide adequate Sunlight to it.

Keep the following tips in mind to grow Buckwheat Microgreen in a Grow Mat:

Step 1: Making the Tray Ready to Grow the Seeds

Cleanliness of the tray is the first step before going through the growing process. A thorough wash of the tray is desirable.

You may choose any sort of tray readily available to you. Then cut the Mat according to the size of your tray you have selected.

Step 2: Saturating the Mat

After cutting the Mat to size and have placed it into the tray, start pouring water on it and keep pouring until it starts floating in half an inch of water. Let the Mat be settled in water for enough time. It can be an overnight span. You may pour excess water if you need it to work well.

The thing to be mindful about is that the Mat at this time should only be wet. It should not float into the water.

Step 3: Sowing Seed

Now it is the apt time to spread the seed on the wet Mat. You need not be over apprehensive about perfection. You can’t, and you don’t need to be perfect. The only important thing is that the Mat should be appropriately covered.

Step 4: Expose Them to Sunlight

Keep the crops open so that they may get direct Sunlight. Buckwheat Microgreens need a lot of light to grow. Only a bright spot can serve the purpose.

Evenly Leveling the plant is suitable for your plant to grow well if you are growing many plants. Keep the sowing date of the seed in mind. It is a must.

Step 5: Light Misting

Buckwheat microgreens do not require water in excess. Therefore, misting by using a spray bottle is a good option. Soft moisture is appreciable.

Just moisture is enough. Watering the Mat gently around its edges is the requirement. Lastly, tilt the tray so that water spreads around the Mat.

Step 6: Be Watchful 

You can know nothing about what is happening with your Buckwheat Microgreens unless you are alert to see the conditions constantly.

What you must observe is the excellent circulation of air. It will help your Mat to stay in good condition. Only by doing this you can prevent mold from growing from your seeds.

Keep moving your tray to the more and more airy area. Put the tray nearby an open window. If you don’t have a window, you can use fans for air as a substitute. The thing you need to ensure is that your Mat should always remain dry.

If you lack proper light, you can manage an artificial light. The grow light is the best alternative to the Sunlight.

Step 7: Harvesting Buckwheat Microgreens

Buckwheat Microgreens are ready to reap if they have grown 1-2 inches tall. It happens mostly after 14 days of growing. This is the best time for the required and desired flavor to reach its full ripeness as the baby leaves have properly grown.

The harvesting process involves two methods. You can either cut them with scissors above the Mat or pull them out gently from the Mat. Both the methods require due attention.

How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens in Wood Shavings?

There is another option of Growing Buckwheat Microgreens other than in Soil and on Grow Mat. It is growing on Wood Shaving though it is somewhat rough and odd. It is, however, ideal, cheap, and sustainable for those who opt for it. The point to be noted is that you cannot reuse the Shavings as you can do with Soil.

Keeping in view the following steps, you can start growing Buckwheat Microgreens in wood shavings:

Step 1: Preparing A Pot or A Tray for Growing

Manage to get a tray without drainage holes. You may also use some other containers like plant pots or even food pots as an alternative to the tray. One thing that needs to be ensured is that it is sparkling clean before using it and cover the holes.

Step 2: Filling Up the Trays with Shavings

Fill the trays or the container you have chosen for growing Buckwheat microgreens with fine shavings.

Step 3: Spreading the Seed

Preparing the tray is the most important and basic task you have accomplished and have filled it with shavings. Now your tray is ready to receive the seeds to grow. Spread the seeds equally on all sides of the tray.

Don’t be over apprehensive about perfection. Just take it easy. Now it is time to water the tray. Watering, preferably with a spray bottle. In this way, you can sprinkle water quite aptly without fear of overwatering.

Step 4: Be on the Alert with A Watchful Eye

Stay alert while your microgreens grow. The best place for placing the Buckwheat seed tray is under the windowsill. If you don’t get a place under the windowsill, you have an alternative option of using grow light. Keep watering thoroughly during the growing process.

Step 5: Harvesting

The appearance of the initial leaves is an indication of reaping time. It reflects that the Buckwheat greens crop is ready to be harvested.

It will happen after the 14 days of planting the seeds.

Cut the crop across the stems of the plant exactly above the wood shavings.

How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens on the Growing Paper?

Growing Buckwheat Microgreens on a filter paper all ais yet another feasible option for growing this crop. This method ensures your safety from the danger of pathogens to your crop. In this, you can control moisture as well.

Keep the following steps in view and go-ahead to grow Buckwheat Microgreens on paper:

Step 1: Preparing Paper

Buy a paper specially designed and made for growing Buckwheat Microgreens. This type of growing paper is easily available online. Even a regular filter paper can also be used to grow this crop. It all depends on your liking and availability.

Once you have got the paper, you will have to give it a proper shape according to the size of the tray you have chosen to use.

Step 2: Making or Arranging Tray

Put the paper at the bottom of the tray. It should be smooth and even. It should also have the right shape fit to the size of the tray.

Step 3: Watering the Paper

The next step is soaking the paper into the water for at least two hours. Once the watering process is complete, drain away if there is any extra water in the tray.

Step 4: Placing Seed

Now it is time to place your seed across the paper—no need to cover the tray because your seeds need adequately good light.

Step 5: Keep Watching

Maintaining moisture level on paper is more manageable. Keep checking the moisture level. If it gets dry, sprinkle water on it quite gently.

Step 6: Exposure to Light

Buckwheat microgreens need a lot of light for their proper growth. To achieve this purpose, the windowsill is the best place. If any place under the windowsill is not available, you can use grow lights as an alternative.

Step 7: Reaping Buckwheat Greens

Buckwheat Microgteens take up to 14 days to put forth their baby leaves. If you notice that it has appeared, it indicates that the time of harvest has come. Now you can harvest your Buckwheat microgreens. Cut them carefully or pull them out gently.

What Are The Benefits Of Eating Buckwheat Microgreens?

These miniatures, Buckwheat Microgreens, contain high nutrient content, which includes Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, and B3. It also contains a chockful of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and rutin.

The benefits of some of the nutrients present in Buckwheat microgreens are discussed in detail below:

High in Fiber

Being high in fiber, buckwheat microgreens are an excellent choice for people who have diabetes. It is because the high fiber content of these microgreens slows downs the absorption of glucose from your meals. Thus, controls the blood sugar level.

Vitamin A

Vitamin has countless benefits, such as protection from night blindness. That is because it is an essential element of rhodopsin (found in the retina of the eye). Not only this but, it also decreases the risk of certain cancers and also acts as a support to your immune system.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant. It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, help in maintaining normal blood pressure, boost your immune system and prevent dementia.

Vitamin B2 and B3

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin boosts metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins from your diet into energy. It also keeps your body cells healthy. Vitamin B2 may prevent migraine pain and cataracts from forming in your eyes. While vitamin B3, also known as niacin, can control your blood cholesterol levels.


Rutin is a chemical that strengthens and makes the walls of your blood vessels flexible. It eventually decreases the risk of hemorrhage. It can serve as a lifesaver for patients with hypertension. It may also help in easing related conditions like varicose or spider veins.

What Pests/Diseases Can Damage Microgreens and How to Stop Them?

Out of many pests and diseases that can damage your microgreens, the most common ones are discussed in detail below, along with the possible solutions.


Damping-off is the most common problem that microgreens growers face. It is a condition in which the apparently healthy-looking microgreens suddenly start to wilt and then eventually die. And most of the growers are unaware of the two main reasons that can lead to damping-off.

First is an excess of water or moisture and high temperature. It activates a fungus in the Soil that lives on excessive moisture and temperature higher than 68 degrees Fahrenheit. And the second reason is high nitrogen levels in the Soil.


You can prevent this from happening by just following some simple tips, which include adequate watering, proper ventilation, and avoiding the excessive use of fertilizers.

Root Rots

A condition in which the roots of the plants decay is known as root rot. Various pathogens mainly cause it. They not only attack seedlings but the mature roots too.


The three possible solutions to this problem are:

  • Pulling out the infected plants.
  • Proper draining of Soil.
  • Avoid planting the same kind of crops in the same area for a long time.

Yellow Foliage

Yellowing of leaves, yellow foliage of chlorosis is all the same. It is a condition when your leave starts to turn yellow or starts losing its pigment. The good thing is that it aware you of something wrong going on with your plant. This is mainly caused due to lack of sunlight/light or deficiency of nutrients in your Soil.


Immediately expose your microgreens to the Sunlight more. If natural Sunlight is not available, you can use LED Grow lights.

For the nutrient deficiency, add some fertilizer (but not in excess).


Deers can eat your plants to the ground!


To prevent that from happening, you can place a physical barrier like a fence or use a deer repellent.


Botrytis is a fungus that is a reason for greyish molds to appear on your plant’s leaves.


You should immediately remove the affected area to prevent further damage. Also, good ventilation can prevent this from happening.


Buckwheat Microgreens Vs. Buckwheat Sprouts (Which Is Better?)

Buckwheat Microgreens are better. That is because microgreens have more fiber and nutrient content as compared to sprout. Also, sometimes it can be risky to eat raw sprouts.

How Much Light Do Buckwheat Microgreens Need?

In summers, during sunny days, your microgreens just need 4 to 5 (max) hours of Sunlight. Whereas during winters, Sunlight is not that strong. So, you’ll need to expose your microgreens for more than 4 hours (4 – 7 hours) for the best results.

What Temperature Do Buckwheat Microgreens Need?

During the time period of growth, an optimum temperature of 18 to 24 degrees Celcius is required. Whereas, for storing Buckwheat microgreens, the best temperature is 5 degrees Celcius.

How Long Do Buckwheat Microgreens Take to Grow?

 It takes about 12 days for buckwheat microgreens to grow.

Do Buckwheat Microgreens Regrow After Harvest?

 Buckwheat Microgreens can regrow after harvest only if you don’t cut the lowest leaf. There are more chances for the microgreens to regrow if you plant them in a large pot/tray.

How Should You Harvest Buckwheat Microgreens?

There are two ways to harvest your Buckwheat Microgreens. Either you can pull them out with the roots intact or cut them carefully with a pair of scissors just from above the lowest leaf if you want them to regrow.

How Should You Store Buckwheat Microgreens?

 Cover your Buckwheat microgreens in a damp paper towel and then put them in a container or a plastic bag. The ideal temperature to store Buckwheat microgreens is 5 degrees Celcius. If you store them this way, they can last for 7 days in your refrigerator easily.

Why Are My Microgreens Falling Over?

 Many unfavorable conditions such as too high or too low temperature, insufficient light, dropped humidity levels, and lack of essential nutrients in the Soil can make your microgreens fall over.

Buckwheat Microgreen Flavour + How to Use Them

Buckwheat microgreens have a tangy flavor. You can use these microgreens in sandwiches or salads.

How Do You Prevent Damping Off?

 Sufficient light is the only prevention to damping off. You can use LED Grow Lights for it.

Why Is Air Movement Important?

Air movement is highly important for the healthy growth of microgreens because lack of ventilation can cause a depletion of the carbon dioxide supply.


You must be convinced to grow your own Buckwheat microgreens instead of buying after reading this article. From equipment needed to grow your own Buckwheats to all the possible ways to grow them, which include growing buckwheat microgreens in Soil, growing paper, wood shavings, and growing mats, everything has been discussed in detail.

There are a lot of reasons why you need to incorporate Buckwheat Microgreens in your diet. For example, due to their ability to control blood glucose levels, prevent cancers and cardiac problems, boost the immune system and protect your eyes.

Last but not least, you must be aware of the diseases and pests that can harm your microgreens so that you can prevent anything like that from happening (which are also discussed in detail in the article).


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