If you have a cat, then you may have realized by now they love to eat and play with your plants. However, while with some plants, this is fine (for your cat), other plants can actually be quite dangerous. In this article, you’ll find out 11 ways you can stop your cat from eating peace lilies, the symptoms of peace lily poisoning, and how to treat it!
So keep reading to find out everything you want to know!
First Of All, Are Peace Lilies Poisonous To Cats?
Peace lilies are toxic to cats, and in fact, if they ingest too much, it can even be fatal. Calcium oxalate (a substance found in the plant) is released when the plant gets damaged, and they, in turn, are damaging to your cat’s cell, which causes a whole host of uncomfortable symptoms for your cat.
What Are The Symptoms Of Peace Lily Ingestion?
The most common symptom that you’ll notice when your cat has eaten your peace lily is that they start rubbing their face a lot more. You may also notice that the areas of the mouth, such as the lips and tongue, have started to swell, and there’ll be an overall sign of discomfort as well.
However, there are a lot of different signs to look for when your cat eats your peace lily. Here is a complete list of symptoms from Wagwalking:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dry heaving
- Diarrhea
- Oral irritation
- Excessive drooling or foaming
- Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
- Pawing at the mouth
- Choking
- Loss of appetite
- Depression
- Dilated pupils
- Head shaking
- Dyspnea (difficulty breathing)
- Cardiac abnormalities
- Seizures
- Coma
As you can see, some of the symptoms are a lot more severe than the others, and while most cases of peace lily poisoning will only be mild to moderate, it’s always best to keep an eye on your cat after they’ve eaten some of your peace lilies to make sure the symptoms don’t get worse.
The Timeline Of Symptoms
Here is a general timeline of symptoms that happen after your cat has ingested some peace lily.
6-12 Hours
In the first 6-12 hours, you’ll notice that your cat has started to drool, and they’ll be touching their face a lot more. You may also notice that the signs of discomfort are starting to grow, and they’ve started vomiting and drooling as well.
During this stage, you may also notice that your cat has started drinking less or more.
12-24 Hour Mark
During the 12-24 hour mark is when your cat is going to suffer from the worst of the symptoms. If they’ve eaten a lot, then you may notice that your cat starts walking like they’re drunk, in general disorientation, and even suffering from seizures.
In the worst case, they may also suffer from kidney failure.
Two Weeks
Your cat can suffer from symptoms up to two weeks after they’ve ingested a peace lily, so you should continue to keep an eye on them. However, fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, they’ll make a full recovery without any long-term effects.

How To Deter Your Cat From Eating Peace Lilies
Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to deter your cat from eating your peace lilies and, in some cases, stop them from being able to get to them altogether! Here are a few things you can try!
Use Mustard Or Pepper Repellents
The first thing to try is mustard and pepper repellents. Both are smells that your cat is going to absolutely hate, and hopefully, if you place them around your plant, it should be enough to deter them.
If you’re going to use mustard, dilute it in some water and then use a spray bottle to spray it over your plant.
You will need to do a similar thing with pepper, except this time, you can just sprinkle pepper directly into the plant pot to deter your cats. In both cases, you may need to reapply the deterrent every 2 days.
Try Lion Dung
As well as using mustard and pepper as repellents, you can also try sprinkling lion dung into the soil as well. This will make your cat think a bigger, more dangerous animal has already marked their territory by the peace lily, and they’ll want to stay away from it. And while you won’t smell the lion dung, your cat definitely will.
Train Your Cat To Leave Your Plants Alone
You may be a plant lover like me, but did you know you can train your cat? In fact, it’s entirely possible to train your cat to leave all of your plants alone; however, it is going to take time. The trick is to constantly redirect your cat when they’re trying to get to your peace lily. And offer them a more fun alternative instead!
Just make sure you find out your cat’s motivation before you try to train them. Treats are obviously the most obvious choice, but they could end up causing your cat to put on some unwanted weight. So another great alternative is giving your cat more attention and playing with them!
Citrus Based Repellents
Citrus is another great repellant choice to keep your cats away from your peace lilies, and it also has the added benefit of making your home smell great as well!
To make a citrus-based repellent, all you have to do is add the zest of citrus fruit of your choice to boiling water and let it boil for 10-20 minutes. Once you’ve done this, the water should smell nice and citrusy.
Then all you have to do is spray your peace lily with it every once in a while, and your cat won’t want to go near it!
Luckily, this can also be incorporated as part of your misting routine for your plant.
Wondering whether Peace Lilies are bad for your allergies? Click here to find out!
Hang Your Peace Lily
Hanging a peace lily actually has more than one benefit. The first great thing about a hanging peace lily is that water won’t be trapped in the soil as it will drain through. The second great thing is that you can hang your peace lily in an area where your cat can’t get to it.
This is one of the only full-proof methods to stop your cat from getting your peace lily!
Essential Oils
When used with caution, essential oils are also a great way to deter your cat from eating your peace lily plant. Just make sure you’re not using the concentrated version, and instead, you start by diluting them first!
To use essential oils, just add 4-5 drops to 500ml of water (citrus oils are the best choice; however, you can also try lavender and eucalyptus essential oils as well). And then all you have to do is spray them on your plant (make sure not to spray your cat as they can be just dangerous).
Alternatively, you can also dip cotton balls into the essential oil and leave them in a small jar near your peace lily if you’re still worried about your cat.
Cat Deterrent Spray
You can also get a deterrent spray that was made specifically for repelling cats. Just make sure it’s a spray that’s safe for plants as well. When you find the right one, though (such as the one linked here.) You just need to spray it on your plant every once in a while, and it will stop your cat from wanting to play with it!
Home Made Deterrent Spray
If you don’t want to buy a deterrent spray, you can also make your own spray too. Making one part vinegar to 3 parts water is a fast and easy solution. Your cat will absolutely hate the smell of vinegar; however, the only downside is, you will too.
Cofee Grounds
Everyone has heard that coffee grounds are a great deterrent, so why not use them in your plant pot as well? Just collect your coffee grounds in a container instead of throwing them out and then sprinkle them at the foot of your plant.
Just make sure you’re switching out old coffee grounds for new ones before they start to go moldy.
Wondering whether Coffee Grounds are good for your Peace Lilies? Click here to find out!
Onion & Garlic
Cut an onion or garlic in half and then rub it all over the pot of your plant to deter your cat from going near it in the future. If that isn’t effective enough, you can also place the garlic into the pot after you’ve rubbed some oil on the pot to deter your cat too!
Unpleasant Surfaces
Sometimes the easiest solutions can often work the best. Placing an unpleasant surface under your peace lilies pot, such as tin foil or plastic carpet protector, can be an effective method for deterring your cat from returning!
Cat Repellent Herbs
You can also place cat repellent herbs near your peace lily as well. Lavender, rosemary, and lemon thyme are the best choices, and you can even start your own herb garden nearby too! If you don’t want to grow your own herbs, then add dried herbs to boiling water and strain the water after. Then add a bit of vinegar and spray your plants!
Give Them Lots To Do!
Lastly, make sure you’re giving your cat lots of things to do in the day, so they don’t want to bother your peace lily (especially indoor cats). Providing them with plenty of toys and playing with them every day will keep them stimulated and happy and reduce the chance of them wanting to eat your peace lily.
How Do You Treat Peace Lily Poisoning In Cats
Before anything, if you think your cat has ingested some peace lily, you should take them to the vets straight away to make sure they’re okay. And the information below is not medical advice. But here are some commonly recommended actions to take.
Wash Your Cats Mouth
The first thing you should do is wash your cat’s mouth. Make sure you’re checking inside for any part of the plant that hasn’t been swallowed and remove it. As well as washing the mouth itself, you should also wash around their mouth too.
Give Them Lactose Free Milk
You can also try to give your cat lactose-free milk to help soothe the burning sensation that they will be feeling. However, make sure it’s lactose because normal milk can cause diarrhea which will dehydrate your cat.
Go To The Vet
Lastly, you should take your cat to the vet, who will be able to provide fluid therapy to your cat. As well as this, they can also give you antihistamines that can help reduce the harmful allergic reaction to the peace lily.
Here are some frequently asked questions about peace lilies and cats.
Is There An Antidote For Peace Lily Poisoning?
There’s no current antidote for peace lily poisoning; you just have to wait it out and provide your cat with the best care possible until they get better, and take them to the vet to make sure that they’re going to be okay.
How Much Peace Lily Is Toxic?
Even a couple of leaves is enough to cause an adverse reaction in your cat, and the more peace lily they eat, the more dangerous it’s going to be for them.
Are Any Parts Safe For Cats?
There is no part of a peace lily that is safe for your cat to eat. If you notice your cat has eaten any part of a peace lily, then you should be aware that they are going to have a reaction to it at some point!
As you can see, you should do whatever you can to keep your cat away from your peace lily. In the best-case scenario, it will make them sick, and worst-case scenario, it can almost kill them. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can deter your cat from trying to eat your peace lily, and if you follow the tips above, you should have no problem!
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