Are Venus Fly Traps Poisonous?

The world of plants is diverse. Some are colorful; some are green. Some are viewed as cute, while some, well, let’s just say…unique. One of them is the infamous Venus Fly Trap. Due to their threatening looks, Venus Fly Traps usually get negative impressions from people. Some think that these plants are scary little monsters that will bite their fingers off or that they are poisonous plants.

But are the rumors true? Let’s find out whether Venus Fly Traps are actually dangerous and poisonous, and we’ll discuss tips on how you can keep these plants safe from real dangers.

Are Venus Flytraps Dangerous To Humans?

Venus Fly Traps may look dangerous, but they are very delicate plants that pose no danger. Their sizes range from 5-6 inches, with traps around 1.5 inches, barely enough to even fit a human finger. Also, their teeth-like “marginal spikes” are designed to entrap small insects to be their prey, not to hurt humans. These plants don’t bite; in fact, their traps only shut due to the hair-like projections called “trichomes.”

Another thing to take note of is that these plants don’t just “eat” anything that enters their traps. When you put your finger in a Venus Fly Trap, it may start to close, but it wouldn’t be able to fully shut its trap and begin its digestion process. When other non-food foreign objects enter its trap, it reopens in about 12 hours to

Are Venus Fly Traps Poisonous?

A plant is considered poisonous if it is capable of causing harmful reactions to other organisms when touched, inhaled, or ingested. In this sense, Venus Fly Traps are generally considered safe. They are not poisonous, nor do they secrete any toxic chemicals that can harm you. If they are ingested, the results still wouldn’t be fatal. However, it wouldn’t be a good idea to eat these plants as they are classified as part of the vulnerable species list internationally.

Are Venus Fly Traps Poisonous To Touch?

Venus Fly Traps are perfectly safe to touch unless you magically turn into a fly or a small soft-shelled insect. They do not have poison in their stems, leaves, or traps. However, this doesn’t mean that you should touch these plants as much as you’d like, especially poking your finger in their traps.

Poking your Venus Fly Trap can lead to a huge waste of their energy. They consume insects for additional nutrient intake since they originally lived in environments with limited resources. The “false alarms” they get when you touch their traps can also shorten their lifespan. This is because each of these snap traps can only take about 10 reopenings until they get replaced by new ones.

Is Venus Fly Trap Safe For Kids?

When kids see Venus Fly Traps, they may either get curious or scared from its looks. If you have kids in the house, you may be wondering if it is safe to have these gorgeous plants in the house with some playful kids. Well, the good news is, Venus Fly Traps are absolutely safe for kids. They are not considered toxic plants, and there’s no part of them that can be harmful to your children.

In fact, playful kids are more of a danger to these plants than they are to them. If kids feel threatened by these plants, they may start picking off their leaves and traps, which can really hurt, or at times, even kill the plant. So, if you have an energetic child whose hands get to everything, perhaps it’s a good idea to keep your Venus Fly Trap out of their sight. This will ensure the safety of your plant.

Are Venus Flytraps Dangerous To Pets?

If you have pets roaming the house, you may also wonder whether Venus Fly Traps can be poisonous to them. Since many pets are known to munch on anything they lay their eyes on, including plants, it’s a bad idea to put anything toxic in the house. But according to the staff from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or ASPCA’s National Animal Poison Control Center, Venus Fly Traps are non-toxic to common house pets, such as cats and dogs.

Since your pets are naturally inclined to snack on plants, there’s a huge chance that they will try eating your venus fly trap. Although they won’t be harmed, your plant will be. So, here are three tips to ensure that your Venus Fly Trap and pets live together peacefully.

Place Your Venus Fly Trap Somewhere High

As a loving plant owner, it’s best to keep your Venus Fly Trap in high places where your naughty pets cannot reach them. Placing your venus fly traps in hanging pots keeps them from getting munched on. Most carnivorous plants like the Venus Fly Trap look really beautiful in hanging pots.

In choosing the perfect hanging pots, make sure that they are not very shallow to give your plant enough room to grow. Also, ensure that your Venus Fly Trap Is getting proper drainage, especially if you will take care of them indoors.

Plant Your Venus Fly Trap In A Separate Terrarium

If placing your Venus Fly Trap in hanging pots doesn’t seem to work, you may also opt for separate terrariums for them. Aside from the extra safety it provides from hungry pets, your Venus Fly Traps will appreciate the preserved humidity and water in them.

However, in using a terrarium, make sure that your plant still gets adequate lighting to survive. Also, they are most known for their ability to catch small insects, so consider continuously adding bugs to their diet to promote their good growth.

Wondering whether Venus Flytraps are good for gnat infestations? You may be surprised by the answers!

Train Your Pets

Properly training your pets not to eat your houseplants is one of the best ways to ensure that none of your cute plants get harmed or eaten by them. By proactively teaching them what they can and cannot eat in the house, you not only save your Venus Fly Trap, but you also keep your furniture safe.

If you have a dog or a cat, you can spray little amounts of diluted lemon juice into your pot or put small slices of lemon in your pots. You can also use

from your local pet stores or online. The strong and sharp smell from the citrus is something that most pets find unpleasant. This can provide an unseen “barrier” for your Venus Fly Trap, keeping it protected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Venus Fly Trap A Good House Plant?

If you are a beginner plant owner, Venus Fly Traps can be challenging to grow, but it is not impossible. Compared to other plants, they require different conditions. The most difficult part of growing them is matching their native environment indoors. Plant them in mossy mediums that drain well and give them the right amount of water. Also, remember that they thrive in moderate to warm temperatures and in areas where they receive bright indirect sunlight.

Are Venus Fly Traps Illegal?

You can legally purchase Venus Fly Traps from plant shops, but the challenging part is verifying where the shop owners get them from. This is an issue because the National Wildlife Federation considers Venus Fly Traps a vulnerable species. Another thing to remember is that state laws in the United States made it illegal to poach them to protect their rapidly declining population. So, when purchasing your Venus Fly Trap from a local store, make sure that they have been obtained legally or locally cultivated.

In Conclusion

From what we have discussed today, we learned that Venus Fly Traps are neither poisonous nor toxic to humans and common pets. Instead, they are the ones at risk of getting damaged by curious kids or eaten by hungry pets. Therefore, it is absolutely important to take the necessary measure to ensure that both your pets and plants live together in harmony.

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